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Sometimes altering the size of an art activity can make all the difference! Whether it is shrinking things to make minis or going life-size, it’s often a welcome change for a crafter(s)!

We have two mermaid-lovers in the house and so a life-size mermaid has been on the crafting bucket list for some time. Now taped to the French doors, I’m not sure I’ll be able to part with these darlings…..ever!


  • Roll of paper

  • pencil

  • tempera paint

  • watercolour paint

  • paintbrushes

  • oil pastels

  • craft foam

  • white glue

  • glitter glue

  • embellishments (pom-poms, sequins, stickers)


  1. Cut a piece of paper that is long enough for your child to lay down on.

  2. Use a pencil to trace their body – leaving the feet area open so that a mermaid tail can be drawn! CAUTION: Process MAY tickle and children MAY giggle

  3. Complete the tail in whatever mermaid-y way you desire!

  4. Paint your mermaid from head to……tail. Allow your mermaid to dry.

  5. Cut out 2 seashell-shaped foam pieces for the mermaid’s top. Use glitter glue to add lines to the shells (or smear the glitter glue all over the place, as my youngest did!)

  6. Use white glue to stick on the seashells and any other embellishments. Think necklaces, bracelets, hair clips, and earrings!

  7. Use oil pastels to create coral, seaweed, sand, fish, etc. My oldest also wanted to outline different parts of her mermaid with pastels.

  8. Use blue watercolour paint to surround your mermaid in the beautiful ocean she deserves!


  • Write a story about your mermaid! Are they friends with Ariel? Have they ever seen a pirate? Where do they go when it’s cold?


  • What do you think is the best part of being a mermaid?

  • If you were a mermaid, what colour would you want your tail to be?

  • What are some of your favourite movies or books about mermaids?


  • making a plan

  • working through challenges (e.g. painting outside of the lines, running out of a certain colour of paint, figuring out the right amount of glue to make embellishments stick, etc.)

  • choice of colour or other materials

  • completing the project (this is a pretty big one!)

Aren’t mermaids fun?! They are whimsical and summer-y (two things that we can always get behind!)

Please show us your life-size mermaids by tagging us on Instagram @theartstadium! We love seeing your creations!

Happy connecting!



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