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Glittery Acorns


Updated: Oct 29, 2024

You know what is better than Fall? An even-more-colourful, EXTRA GLITTERY FALL :)

I'm dyinggggg over these glitzy fall acorns, people! They are like something from an enchanted forest and they get squeals of delight from the women in this house.

(Phil, look away. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. And prettier. Just breathe.)

  • acorns (we collected ours at Nana and Grampy's house!)

  • white glue

  • paintbrush

  • glitter

  1. All of the greatest crafts start with Taylor Swift or a nature walk OR BOTH. Jamming to Taylor while collecting acorns at the lake is next level entertainment for my crew!

  2. Wipe off any bits that may be stuck to the acorn (e.g. soil, leafy pieces).

  3. Prepare your glitter. We had little bowls for each colour of glitter.

  4. Use the paintbrush to "paint" white glue onto the bottom part of the acorn.

  5. Roll the acorn in your glitter until the bottom of your acorn is completely covered.

  6. Allow to dry (we let ours sit overnight).

  7. Repeat forever and ever because you won't want to stop!

We ended up storing ours in a glass jar on the kitchen island. They are definite show-stopper when friends come over for tea/coffee :)

Let us know if you make some with your crew! <3

Sending you lots of fall love!



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